Links to other blogs

PIDP 3240 Media Participants:

1. Social Media In Communications:

2. Adele’s PIDP Blog:

3. A Career In Aircraft Maintenance:

4. VCC SIE Facebook Page:

Final Journal

My Journey through the Social Media Maze

Social Media Journal #4

During the last 8 weeks I have been an explorer, a researcher and an original creator of tools used in Social Media in relation to Education. I have listened collaborated and tried to interpret what I have seen found and heard. At the beginning of this course, I was not a fan of these tools. My perception was that Social media was so quick and instantaneous but did not subscribe to reflection and the nuances that one gets when face to face.

I have been through a range of emotions and challenges during the last 8 weeks. My initial reaction was fear- fear of something I knew nothing about and did not like, due to my ambivalence to Facebook, Twitter and all the other social media sites. I have had to come face to face with my limitations, which included computer and research skills. I have had to get help by discussion with my other group members and do research and practice these skills almost daily. Some of the other challenges were the time factor and
the legitimacy of the information on the Internet. The information you find has to be carefully interpreted and legitimate sources had to be found out as anyone can place information of the Internet. This component of PIDP3240 has not only being time consuming but also very stressful as the deadlines had to be met. Because of this technology, information is given quickly and in a short time like programs on the Internet, this information or technology can become obsolete as the new best thing takes its place.

Social Media is here! And here to stay! This will be the real reason to incorporate it into the school curriculum The students we teach are really competent using this medium and it would not be wise to miss out on this opportunity to help with their learning, and so accommodate different learning styles. Things like Wikis, blogs, Facebook and Twitter and links etc must be incorporated into the school curriculum, as students will expect this to be a routine part of their learning and communicating portfolio.

The whole process has been a roller coaster ride for me. I have experienced all of the above and I feel that Social media is not as intimidating as I first thought. The exposure to this kind of media has made me more open to using this in my classroom and I can see how to incorporate some of this experience into my teaching plan. I have to keep in mind however how quickly information changes and keep reading and up dating my knowledge to stay current on the topics and information my students need. I have also been following some of the other students in the program and have been introduced to new programs that they are using.
As this part of PIDP is nearing conclusion, I can say that this whole session has been really beneficial as it has exposed me to a lot of new things and it has made me reflect and think about how my learning abilities can be expanded, and make me grow as an individual and as an Instructor.            Creative Commons Licence

Tech and Trends #3

My Journey through the Social Media Maze
Tech and Trends Blog #3

The two Tech and Trends Web 2.0 tools chosen are Wikipedia and Quizlet.
Wikipedia is coined from two words-from the Hawaiian word wiki meaning quick and encyclopedia.
This quick encyclopedia operates on the following five “pillars”:

· Wikipedia is an encyclopedia.
· Wikipedia is written from a neutral point of view
· Wikepedia is free content that anyone can edit, use modify and distribute
· Editors should interact with each other in a respectful and civil manner
· Wikipedia does not have firm rules
As an encyclopedia it incorporates elements of general and specialized encyclopedia, almanacs and gazetteers. It is written as a collaborative effort, and can be added to anonymously. The emphasis is on what is contributed and not on the contribution. On April 16th 2010 there were one billion edits. It is continuously created and updated, with articles from historic events appearing in minutes. It features current events, random articles. It even has an advice to parent’s section. It is also a reference guide usually on new jargon or terminology
The good thing about this is that it is growing and it also can be published. The media astute students have found it and are already using it regularly. It is cheap efficient and easy to find, access and use. It is free to distribute so there are no copyright infringement. This Web.20 tool is already in use in schools and everywhere so why not encourage it in the classroom?

Quizlet provides students with several options to learn and study with flashcards. This could be an excellent study tool as it provides various ways to study and it also uses games like scatter where words and definitions and finish quicker than your friends, to encourage student learning. All that is needed is a working computer. The study flash cards are linked and available from class at any computer with Internet access. Students can find, create what they need, study anything, any time or study with friends. The cards can be made on any subject. For a lot of students at my institution, English is not their first language so the speller component where they type what they hear will contribute to improving their English skills.
Speller can provide word and definitions and you respond with the correct response. The learn section keeps track of what you know and do not know about the vocabulary. Test component randomly generates test on the vocabulary set you picked.
The games like scatter and the space race helps with vocabulary and typing skills, and also help to match up words with meaning. The flash cards can be made up in at least 18 languages so accommodation is easy. This medium is friendly and compatible and the students can show off a little when their grades improve. It gives student a chance to track their progress and review the wrong answers. The test system is user friendly as the test has an automatic grading system
The web 2.0 tool I picked is Wikipedia. It is a quick multilingual, web-based, free encyclopedia. It is published in 285 languages, as a collaborative effort. Anyone can be a creator as it is a Wiki .It is based on an editable, open module, articles that can be linked and cross-referenced. It is one of the faster growing sites in the history of the Internet. It is easy to use and quite accessible to everyone. It accommodates many different people. It can be used by the expert scholar to the casual reader. It is added to regularly and is non-cultural. I have used this on several occasions myself, I find it easy to look up and use. But like most sites information should be checked out and referenced before using.
My students already use it in the classroom to look up things quickly and its use will continue to grow. This is tool that is popular, cheap and easy to use, so encouraging it into the learning circular will be easy.

Quizlet. Published on Technology Resource Teachers (

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Journal #3 For PIDP 3240

The Growing Use Of Twitter By Today’s Educators


The video bog by K.Walsh emphasizes the growing use of Twitter by educators. He emphasizes his point of view with a wealth of quotes about Twitter from various sources. One of his sources was “100 ways to teach with Twitter”. He also states that Twitter use is up by 35%. The main advantages of Twitter are it can be a mass communication medium to share information like class assignments, extend recruitment options, and allow people to keep informed and stay in touch in real time. But Twitter has its disadvantages too. It has a lag in adoption and it is just a communication tool, and as such does little to enhance writing and debating skills- essential skills the student needs.


Twitter is one of the media tools I am just getting acquainted with. I feel that it can be a base for education as it is relative cheap and the tweets are not long. It also gives you instant connection to every one on line. I have perused the Twitter site and for me it seems to have an incomprehensible language with capitals and it’s own code words. I guess if you are a fan of this tool you must learn the language if you want to stay connected.


After watching the video the conclusion I have made is Twitter is a communication tool with limited scope. Even though it is growing in use it is not the first and obvious choice for classroom use. Twitter can draw traffic to its site but the wealth of opinions and research right now that it is not beneficial to the students for developing listening, writing and rebuttal skills. Skills like these are needed in the real world and the role of any educator is to prepare their students for employment and real life.


Now that I have been exposed to this aspect of Social Media, I would consider using it to communicate with students about classroom changes, assignment and dates of completion as I am sure most of the students have been using it in their daily lives. Twitter is a quick, easy and cheap way for them to learn what their buddies are up in real time. The new generation is the “ now generation” and Twitter gives them instant access to their immediate surrounding and the rest of the world too.


Walsh, K. (2010). “The Growing Use of Twitter by Today’s Educators” Video retrieved from on October 30th, 2012.

“Twitter In Higher Education 2010. Usage Habits and Trends of Today’s College Faculty” ‘100 Ways To Teach With Twitter’. Retrieved from on October 30th, 2012. (2010, September)’Faculty Focus’, Magna Publications.

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Journal #2 Social Media 3240

Emelda Doyon

Walking through the social media Maze

Social Media Journal #2

Journal #2 Building on the Social Layer
The game layer on top of the world

Seth Priebatsch one of the Ted Talks motivational, video speakers talks about building the framework for motivating people. He states that social media like Facebook and Twitter established the framework for the next phase, which is behavior control and the motivation behind it. Game theory is a dynamic being used to create motivation. He insists that the future is not about connecting but influencing behavior.

He discussed four Dynamics needed to achieve this.

1. Appointment
2. Influence
3. Progression
4. Communal Discovery
For each dynamic he gives examples how these dynamic are implemented in the real world, in the conventional gaming world and how these dynamics will influence consumers e.g. reminders when to take meds.

He began his talk with the mention that he was a high school dropout. Was this intended to impress his listeners? Or make us feel more comfortable with his talk?
By the tone of the video, Seth is talking to most of the young, new hip generation. The people, who would camp out in all kinds of weather to be the first with the newest gadget… I am not a gamer and I was never one to follow the trends like owning a “ black credit card”. Most of the things he referred to in his speech were new to me but I
suspect he knew his audience.. From his comments he assumed the listeners knew what he was referring to. I didn’t most of the time.
Since listening to the video I have been paying more attention to what motivates
people. I noticed that the TV program “The Walking Dead” had 3 clues the watcher had to get from the program, and then answer the questions on Facebook to be entered into a draw to win a new car. I know this will motivate some people to watch the TV show.

Seth is one of the new generation who is media knowledgeable and think they can influence society by not only providing us with the next new gadget, but also making us feel worthless or left out when we do not own the latest phone or game console. He is part of the new technical generation who has to be the first with what in their opinion is the next best thing.

I am just realizing how powerful Social Media already is since I began doing this Media Course. I have always thought that this medium was quite invasive and anonymous. The thought of the general public and people on Facebook, Twitter etc can follow my every move, e.g. my shopping habits, places I frequent, and predict when I would be there by the motivation that is provided is really very frightening to me. What about my freedom and will to make independent decisions? As part of the human race are all unique individuals. I think some or all of this individuality and uniqueness would be lost if we played “ the game layer on top of the world.”

References: Priebatsch: The game layer on top of the world)

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Journal #1

Journal #1 Social Media As A Learning Tool PIDP 3240

How Social Media can change History


The TED video discuss the ways in which social media is impacting everyone, changing how we get information and helping us react to it instantaneously.  As we enter into this new media age, history is being made as we use the new accessible media tools that help us transmit messages to our friends, neighbors and to the world. Inventions like the printing press, the telephone, TV and radio made information more accessible to everyone. However, this information was always produced and relayed by professionals. Response or reaction to the information was always delayed. Now with the new social media like the Internet, amateurs now produce the information and elicit an instant response and so start instant global conversation. As the Internet becomes digitalized all the media messages are now neighbors so they can be bundled up to target individuals or a specific group. The Internet is also becoming much more social as we get instant connection to everyone we choose.


I think the video emphasizes the power of the new media, which is here to stay. We saw this in action during the recent Vancouver riots. Rioters misbehaving were photographed on cell phone and cameras. As a result of this instant media attention the culprits could be identified and so brought to justice by the police. Many people believe that the use of social media helped President Obama, the first savvy president to see the value of social media, win the last presidential election. The new social media is cheap, easy to use and accessible.


I have used sites like You tube, the Internet and various links when I am preparing a new topic for the classroom. I like that this information can be saved and manipulated and used multiple times, in various forms like slides, handouts, power- points etc. I know this course will give me practice while exposing me to all the different social media tools I can use to make my courses more appealing to the students. I know everyone learns differently. Some people learn by listening, some by reading and some by doing. I feel that the use of social media can make lessons more interactive and more engaging to all of the students.


My students are very media knowledgeable and I know I have to get up to speed if I am to motivate them and not erect barriers to their learning. I know that they are quite comfortable with social media so I will have to learn and utilize the different forms of this communication. I know with each topic I will have to figure out which medium is best for a particular lesson and set rules and criteria for their on line behavior.  There must also be an evaluation process to judge if the goals are met.. I know this calls for change. But the change will expand my horizons and make me a more informed  and a better teacher.

References: (Clay Shirky: How social media can make history)

Tulameen Mountains

Tulameen Snow-Capped Mountains


Snowmobiling at Tulameen

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